Innovative Performance Fabrics: Diving Under the Surface with Crypton + METROPOLIS Magazine 

Metropolis Magazine and Crypton Fabric met in NYC at HLW to collaborate on a designer workshop focusing on domestic, sustainable textiles!

Crypton Sourcebook: Discover Cadence and Harmony from Burch

Discover two Crypton fabrics by Burch inspired by sound. Cadence and Harmony are textile expressions of shifting and immersive sound patterns.

Discover Safari and Karma Fabrics by Douglass

For designers looking to add good vibes to any project, the KarmaCollectionmay be just the thing to add lively or calm energy to a space, depending on the design vision. Karma's whimsical colorations work in perfect harmony with one another, with warm complementing cool.

Crypton Collection Review: Brentano Crushes the Cityscape

One of the most exciting trends in contract fabric is a move toward intense, distinctive colors and exciting patterns. This new trend breaks through all of the myths about design limitations with contract performance fabrics.