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Find, sample and specify Crypton at leading fabric distributors.
Find a Crypton fabric distributor or manufacturer.
Our broad network of leading contract brand partners is easily searchable and includes top fabric and contract furniture brands that offer a variety of our fabrics for any project you may be working on.
We Invented Indoor Performance
The biggest textile brands partner with Crypton to offer disinfectable, stain resistant barrier fabrics in every color and pattern you can imagine. See them at work in hotels, schools, offices, hospitals, and senior living facilities.
Browse an Endless Selection
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Connect with our contract performance fabric team for step-by-step sourcing support throughout your design project. We’ll help you find the perfect performance fabric from our trusted partners.
Crypton Fabric Distributors.
Browse our fabrics featured at
Sample Crypton Fabric from the leading fabric distributors. Order samples by midnight (ET) and everything delivers in a single box by 10:30 AM the next morning.