How to Clean a White Couch Upholstered in Crypton Performance Fabric - Crypton

How to Clean a White Couch Upholstered in Crypton Performance Fabric

January 17, 2025

We all love a white couch, but keeping it pristine requires maintenance that you may not be aware of, especially if you live with kids and pets. At Crypton Home Fabrics, we are experts in performance fabric technology, so today, we wanted to share the ultimate guide on how to clean a white couch with our recommended techniques for keeping your light–colored furniture looking white for years to come.  Let’s get into Couch Cleaning 101!

how to clean a white couch
Ultimate guide on how to clean a white couch upholstered in Crypton performance fabric like Nomad Snow.

Complete Care Instructions on How To Clean A White Couch Upholstered in Crypton Performance Fabric 

The Advantage of Crypton Performance Fabric Couches 

Before diving into cleaning methods, it’s worth noting that if your sofa is upholstered in Crypton performance fabric, you’re already ahead of the game. Our fabrics are engineered with built-in stain resistance and odor-resistant technology, making it easier to clean up spills. 

how to clean a white couch with Crypton fabric nomad snow

How To Clean A White Sofa 101: Supplies Needed 

Always keep these items on hand for quick response to spills and stains: 

  • Vacuum cleaner with upholstery attachment 
  • Clean cloth or paper towels 
  • Spray bottle 
  • Water 
  • Mild dish soap 
  • Soft-bristled brush 

Regular Maintenance Cleaning Process 

Think about how your bookshelf or TV stand collects dust – it also settles on your sofa. When you have a white couch (hello Nomad Snow), dust shows so much more.  

maintain a clean white couch by vacuuming weekly to help keep Nomad Snow and other light-colored performance fabric from looking dingy.

Because the sofa is a high-traffic area in your living room, prevention is the first step in the cleaning process. The best cleaning method is vacuuming the entire couch to help keep everyday dust, dirt, and pet hair from becoming embedded in the fibers, causing it to look dingy. Don’t forget to clean hidden areas. 

use a handheld vacuum on the entire couch to keep Crypton's Nomad Snow free of dust and dirt.
The first step to maintaining a clean sofa is vacuuming weekly.

Tackling Common Stains 

Light Soiling and Spot Check Cleaning Instructions 

So, you don’t have any major spills (yet), but during a spot check, you notice some light soiling. It happens, Crypton is not bulletproof. Here is the best way to spot clean your white sofa

Nomad Snow, a Crypton performance fabric is pet-friendly but you must clean it properly. Follow our care instructions.

IMPORTANT: Soap that is not fully removed from your cushions will attract dirt, so first, we will try removing the stain with just water.

  1. Using a spray bottle, spray warm water on the stain. Do not soak.  
  1. Blot the surface gently and repeat if needed. 
  1. Pat dry with a fresh towel. 
  1. Allow your couch cushion to air dry completely. 

How To Clean Liquid Spills From A White Couch

Time is crucial when dealing with a liquid spill like red wine on your couch cushions. For best results, follow these specific instructions.

use a white paper towel to blot up the liquid spill
  1. Immediately blot (never rub) the liquid on the surface of your couch with a clean paper towel. For thicker liquids, use a spoon to remove any excess before blotting.  
  1. Now, it’s time to clean with a gentle cleaning solution. Add one teaspoon of enzyme-based detergent, like Dawn or Tide, with 16 oz. of warm water in a spray bottle.  
To make our DIY cleaner, you will need an enzyme-based soap like Dawn, warm water, and a spray bottle.
  1. Remember, more soap is not necessarily better. Stick to the recommended recipe or use the Crypton cleaning solution
  1. Shake the soapy solution in the spray bottle to mix well.  
  1. Spray directly onto the stain.  
spray the cleaning solution directly on the nomad snow crypton performance fabric
Do not overly saturate the fabric.
  1. Use a stiff brush to gently rub the solution into the stain in a circular motion.  
with a scrub brush, start at the outside of the stain and move toward the center to prevent the stain from spreading on your couch cushions
  1. Work from the outside of the stain toward the center to prevent spreading. 
  1. Rinse your brush frequently while cleaning. 
  1. Blot any excess moisture as you go.  
blot the stained area with a white cloth to soak up the soapy solution
  1. For stubborn stains, repeat the process as needed. 
  1. It is important that you rinse the area with clean water to remove all the soap residue after the stain is gone.  
  1. To rinse, dampen your cloth, press into the fabric, rinse and wring out all soap residue, then repeat until all traces of soap are gone and the stain has completely disappeared. 
  1. Once clean, press the area with a clean, dry white towel to soak up excess water.  
how to clean a white couch from red wine
  1. Allow the fabric to air dry.  

IMPORTANT: Do not use white vinegar, baking soda, upholstery cleaner, solvent-based cleaners, bleach, or carpet cleaner. After-market cleaners will break down and weaken Crypton technology. Also, do not wash Crypton fabric in the washing machine. 

Tips For Cleaning Food Spills On Nomad Snow Performance Fabric 

If you spill food or anything other than liquid, don’t panic. Here is exactly how to clean your Crypton upholstery and furniture.  

how to clean food stains from your white couch crypton performance fabric nomad snow
  1. Remove any large pieces of food.  
  1. Use a vacuum to remove any remaining loose debris with the brush attachment.  
use a handheld vacuum or upholstery brush accessory to remove loose debris
  1. Apply Crypton’s recommended cleaning solution to the stain. (Mix one teaspoon of enzyme-based detergent, like Dawn or Tide, with 16 oz. of warm water in a spray bottle. Shake well.) 
how to clean a white couch care instructions for crypton performance fabric
  1. Remember, do not use an after-market cleaner.   
  1. Use a soft scrub brush to gently rub the cleaning solution into the stain.  
how to clean performance fabric upholstered sofa
  1. Be sure to work from the outside of the stain inward to prevent spreading.  
  1. For the best results, rinse your brush frequently.  
  1. Be sure to remove all soap residue from the couch fabric after the stain is gone.  
blot excess soapy residue from your couch cushions
Soap attracts dirt. Be sure to rinse and completely remove soapy cleaning solution from your couch cushions.
  1. To rinse, simply dampen your cloth, press into the fabric, rinse, and wring out all the soapy residue.  
  1. Repeat until all traces of soap are gone and the stain has completely disappeared.  
  1. Once clean, press the area with a clean, white, dry towel to soak up excess water.  
  1. Allow your fabric to air dry.  

Tips For Hot Water Extraction Cleaning  

If you have a big mess on your white fabric sofa, it’s time to call a professional upholstery cleaner like Stanley Steemer or use an at-home hot water extraction machine.  

Big mess liquid spill on which couch. When to call a professional cleaning service.
  1. Blot up the stain as much as you can prior to hot water extraction.  
  1. If spot cleaning doesn’t do the job, we recommend hiring a professional upholstery cleaner for a little help.  
  1. Place the extraction nozzle on the upholstery.  
deep cleaning - hot water extraction from a professional cleaning service on white couch
Crypton recommends hot water extraction cleaning at least once a year for Nomad Snow and other light-colored performance fabric.
  1. Slowly and evenly, suction off the moisture.  
steam cleaning your white couch at least once a year helps keep it clean and fresh
  1. Apply steam to the stain with a back-and-forth motion.  

IMPORTANT: All light-colored upholstery needs a periodic refresh to keep everyday dust and dirt from building up. Crypton recommends regular cleaning of the whole couch and hot water extraction at least once a year for maintenance to ensure your furniture stays looking white and bright. 

cat sleeping on white couch.
Crypton performance fabric is pet-friendly as well as kid-friendly.

Additional Care Instructions for A Fabric Couch 

  • Never oversaturate the fabric  
  • Always blot instead of rubbing to prevent fiber damage 
  • Use a clean white hand towel or white cloth to avoid color dye transfer
  • Clean spills immediately whenever possible.
  • Rotate cushions regularly to ensure even wear.
  • It’s a good idea to deep clean your white couch annually with hot water extraction. We recommend a professional cleaning service like Stanley Steemer.   

Remember that prevention is key to maintaining a beautiful, clean white couch. With proper care and prompt attention to spills, your sofa can remain a stunning centerpiece in your home for years to come. For specific questions about cleaning Crypton performance fabric, don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer service team. 

If you notice fabric pilling on your sofa, check out how to refresh upholstery fabric and also learn our 4 easy ways to keep those pesky lint balls away for good!

Learn More About Crypton Performance Fabric  

Check out these five performance fabric sofas that stand up to kids and pets.  

To keep leather couches looking fresh, learn how to condition and clean Crypton leather

Learn how to clean Crypton slipcovers and mattress protectors.  

Why Crypton?

Crypton Home Performance Fabric is the leading stain-proof, odor-resistant interior performance fabric. Choosing Crypton Home Performance Fabric protects your investment in the upholstered furniture you use every day—sofas, sectionals, dining chairs, bar stools, and more.


Crypton Home Performance Fabric is spill-proof and stain resistant because life gets messy. We’ve made the fabric cleaning process as easy and pain-free as possible. By brushing off dirt and wiping up spills as they happen, you can keep your upholstered furniture like-new by following our simple maintenance instructions.


Crypton Home Performance Fabric is available from the brands you already know and trust, including Ballard Designs, Arhaus, and many more. Shop a wide selection of sectionals, sofas, accent chairs, ottomans, dining chairs, and more by selecting “Crypton Home Performance Fabric” for your upholstery.

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